Wednesday, January 17, 2007

"It's raining, It's pouring, Ice is forming"

So said the top news story last night. C couldn't get over the fascination with ice that this town has, and admittedly it's somewhat ridiculous. Still, I remember last year swimming at lunch in clear skies and 70 degrees, so having wintery weather is a little strange.

This morning I was hoping I'd wake up to snow and ice an inch thick; I was sorely disappointed. After checking the traffic (not bad... sigh) I hopped in the shower, dressed, and headed out the door. Given the weather I felt okay wearning fashionable sneakers and khakis to work. I took about 15 steps out my door to get to a 1/3 set of stairs-- and I promptly slid on my ass (luckily my work computer broke part of my fall) into the icy puddle at the bottom. So basically, after being sore from running forever for two days, I still get to walk like a gimp from my very sore-- and maybe slightly bruised-- hiney today. Life is funny sometimes.

This is what awesome looks like... next to my cat:


greyhound said...

So I post a rant about how Houston has sissie weather and you go and fall and get a boo boo?

Laurie said...

Looks like you took quite the fall. At least you were still at home so you didn't have to sit in wet pants all day.