Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Gray hairs

Why do they call gray hairs gray hairs? They're not gray. They're sparkling white highlights in a sea of chocolate. I'll never understand, but I suppose I'll let them lie.

My mom had the most beautiful gray hair-- everyone commented on it. Each strand of her hair was either inky black or dazzling white; there was no in-between. If you have gray hair like that, don't dye it. It's a crime against humanity to cover up such a lovely display of experience and wisdom.

My gray hairs are considerably less attractive than my mom's. For one, none of the gray hairs on my head will be pigeonholed into a single hair color-- instead, they hem-haw around, an inch white, and inch brown. (I have not only found six but allowed them to continue growing. I'm, like, a preservationist or something.) They're ninnies about growing up without their cloak of melanin or whatever colors hair, and they shouldn't be.

I found my first gray hair when I was 20.5 years old, and I nearly started crying when I saw it. It was a mark of barren, cold, lonely woman, and an awful personal symbol. Now almost six years later I'm surprised not at the 600% increase of known gray hairs but my serene acceptance of them... minus the mini freak-out I had during law school orientation upon discovery of the temple-dwelling gray hairs. I really do see my little white intruders as genuine signs of maturity. A semi-mastered life, even if I sometimes get the giggles when talking about "duty" too long. Even if I'm in school at age 26. And even if my hair is still dominated by brown. I'm a-growin' up into a real live woman, one in which I am proud, my family can be proud, and my mom would have bragged about to total strangers till they vomited or ran away screaming. I'd say such weighty praise (even if self-delivered; I hope you excuse me) is worth the small burden of some blossoming silver strands.


Anonymous said...

What an awesome attitude. I freaked out. freaked. out. about mine. I've found about 5, so I'm right there with you. But I pulled mine...

greyhound said...

You are turning into a bona fide grownup. And I'm thinking of doing a post to brag on your law student stardom until people vomit and run away sreaming.

Danielle in Iowa in Ireland said...

I have this one random patch of dark dark hair in my otherwise dirty blonde locks. All my gray hairs happen in that little swath that is up front and center. I am just counting the days until I get to the be the eccentric professor lady with a gray streak and a bunch of cats.

Kim said...

hey lady, connected to your blog from grey's (no pun intended)... looks like i have a lot of reading to do :) great blog!

KCWoodhead said...

Um...now I know where the gray hairs came from! Congrats on kicking major law school butt. While I will say I'm not the least bit surprised, I'm beyond proud of you!

Go Mom Go said...

I just found your blog from Greyhound. I definitely need to do some reading.

Go Mom Go said...

sorry, one more thing...I am doing IM Lou too. I just noticed it in your side bar.


Anonymous said...

came across your blog from trigreyhound's. im a houstonian triathlete blogger as well. good to read you

Anonymous said...

Hey Mishele!
Got linked to your blog thru Lisa....Sounds like you are doing great! Still miss ya here in the BIG H =-)

Would love to touch base..

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) said...

Oh Snap! Those are GRAY???? I was certain I was just getting blonder...

Jessica, a Austin Runner AND triathlete said...

hey there...just being a lurker and saying hi. i dont think we've met, but i'm HRTC with you:)

Jane said...

This is a really nice reflective essay. However, don't lose the kid side of you. I like the candy-eating-kitty-loving Mishele.

I do pull out my white hairs though. And my 90 year old grandma still dyes her hair.

Dances with Corgis said...

I have a lot of grey and I am 27. I just dye it though :)