Friday, November 09, 2007

Don't believe me if I say I'm 27

No cyclocross last week... I couldn't unbury myself from schoolwork, which is slightly more important than learning to remain vertical on my bike. Sam assured me that I wouldn't have been the slowest chick there though, so it's definitely something to consider. Of course, not this weekend. Craig's in town!

Perhaps of more interest is that I'm doing my second annual candy-free November. You may remember that last year Craig said that I was addicted to candy, so I took a month off to prove him otherwise. Here it is, 9 days in and I'm just posting about it-- it should give you an idea of how much easier it is to do the second time around. And unlike last year, I'm not substituting candy with 2-4 Toll House kiosk cookies this year (could that be how I got fat last year?). Instead, I'm eating fruit bars and granola bars, with the occasional super-delicious sweet... such as birthday cake.

Perhaps of more interest than that is it's my birthday today. Thanks to USAT I've been telling people all year that I was 26, my USAT age (don't worry, I'm not still bitter... much). My gut reaction is to say I turn 27 today. This may be cute now, but it won't be in three years. I've been robbed of my perkiest-sounding age of 25! You might as well just start calling me a hag now.

I am totally stealing a birthday idea from TriBoomer and am taking up the ol' b-day tri: 1 mile swim, 22 mile bike, 3.2 mile run (the .2 is for the 2 days I have to wait to do it. I'm sure I'll still be filled with birthday spirit on Sunday). I know the distances are a little, um, off, but dammit I can swim a mile in my own tri if I want to. Is it a sad reflection on my life when I can't plop down for a couple hours to work out? Yes. But life is what it is, and quite frankly, this may be my happiest birthday yet. That pool isn't going anywhere.

But I am. Enjoy the day-- I will. :)


greyhound said...

What a hag. 26. Sheesh.

I have soccer trophies older than you are.

Laurie said...

Happy birthday Mishele!

I hope you have a great one :)

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy Birthday Mishele!!!

Brent Buckner said...

Happy birthday!

I gather that "birthday spirit" is some kind of code for "cake".

Anonymous said...

Hi! I decided last week I want a mountain bike...and I'm totally scared to do it. It's great to find your blog :) I have NO idea what is going on in the cycling world...(and happy late b-day!)

Jane said...

Happy Birthday! You know that old triathlon joke about how you know you're a triathlete when someone asks your age and you say " Way to go to kick your candy addiction. admitting you have a problem is the first step...haha

Lisa said...

Happy B-day, MisheleK! 26 isn't old! You've still got a long way to go before you can complain with credibility. BTW~ What is the b-day tri formula?

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

um, yeah. if you're old? I'm bloody ancient.


happy birthday!

TriBoomer a.k.a. Brian said...


Gurl, you just go ahead and use the TriBoomer birthday triathlon tradition for all it's worth. It's a great way to kick off what could be the best year yet.

Happy Birthday... enjoy your journey to 27.

Stay tuned...

Lucinda said...

Hope you had a fab birthday!