Monday, August 27, 2007

Master Plans

Today is my very first day of law school. And what am I doing? Reviewing my reading? Fretting about classes? Nope.

I'm blogging.

The truth is I'm sitting pretty with my work this week and I only have one class today. I'm nervous, and I have hours til class to get progressively more so. Yeesh!

This won't be too long (I actually do want to get some more reading done before this afternoon...) but it is important. I have two plans I want to share in hopes of being more accountable for them in the upcoming year/years. Plan 1: the don't get enormously fat plan. Last winter I beefed up to 12 pounds over my racing weight from Wisconsin and Arizona. I think that's simply revolting from a 24-year-old, and I don't intend to do it again. Here's my plan: leave law school at what you came in (152) and you can have any bike you want, Mishele. I can't be sure of my financial situation of course, but that's not the point (I suppose I don't have to buy it the minute I graduate). The point is to have the permission to get whatever the heck I want.

I told the plan to K first. Her response? "If you're the same girl that's going into law school, you're not going to buy a $6,000 bike." And she's right; I believe you have to earn your toys. So maybe I'll just get a little step up and sell Lucy to a newbie. Maybe I'll buy a decent road bike. Doesn't matter right now does it?

The only problem with the plan is I've lost 4 pounds since I moved here. I don't have as much time to eat as I did when I worked, though I suspect I'll start eating again soon. In the short term I'm chilling out with the workouts and am down to 2 mile runs because I want to take it easy and make time for some physical therapy. My feet just haven't been the same all year and I'm afraid. I'm looking to do a half marathon in January-February and maybe, if all goes well, the St. Louis marathon in March. StL was my first marathon (untrained of course, but that time it was on accident), so I'm hoping to break my time of 4:52 from 2004. If the plan works as well as it should I hope to break it by an hour... we'll see.

And Plan 2:
IM Louisville. Hey you Cincinnatians-- get your hineys down to watch me race. Just once. Please? I signed up and had to pay with my debit card, which was strangely more painful than paying with my credit card. Maybe it was just stressful because I don't know the card number and was worried about some 2-minute sell out craziness like Lake Placid (like Louisville would ever be as cool and popular as Lake Placid). I don't know. Anyway, I'll see you kids back in Ironform on August 31, 2008... hopefully I don't gain 10 pounds of muscle in the meantime. ;-)

Woo hoo! Off to study/learn/be humiliated? :)


greyhound said...

Law school = learn + be humiliated. It's part of the plan.

The weight challenge is finals' week and summer clerkships. I am only through triathlon back down to my pre-law-school physique.

Brent Buckner said...

Demanding plan!

Joy | Love | Chaos said...

The first month and the last month of law school are the **BEST**!! Enjoy the fun and don't take it all too seriously.

Oh, and here's a bit of an inside some point soon, you'll know exactly how to read a case so you don't *actually* have too read 200 pages a night! Promise!

the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

I like that you're planning ahead. I also totally dig that you are taking all of this on.

Oh sure. 10 pounds of mooscle. It could happen - those books are heavy!

Marie said...

good luck with law school!! Just don't start smoking.

Marie said...

interested in playing fantasy hockey?