Friday, January 26, 2007

I'm sore and I like it

Two posts today (you're welcome)-- I have to get them in now because my future mother-in-law (weird) is in town this weekend.

And it's my favorite kind of post: a training post.

It's my first week back after the marathon and so far it's gone great. I'm 12 weeks out from IM AZ. I'm keeping a food log. I bought an oganizer from IKEA for my training clothes on Wednesday. I have a training schedule. I'm in the gym just workin on my fitness (lifting). My knees feel awful but I'm pretending they don't. I'm learning to swim again but can still manage 50s of fly. I'm writing lots of simple sentences. I even did a long run on Wednesday... kinda. Want the story?

The plan was 12 miles at 9:50 pace in hopes of keeping up my running for my two back-to-back half marys next month. I've never said half mary before today, and I probably won't again, so savor it. Anyway, I thought the best approach would be three rounds of 4 miles on the treadmill with a gel and some strawberries during the two breaks. Like all my plans (ha!) it was a good one.

I started the first set at 10:15 pace for the first mile, then switched to 10:00 for the next 1.5, then 9:50 for the last 1.5. I was going to keep this pattern throughout the run because it usually takes me about 5 miles to finally feel good and accept the fact I'll be running for two hours, but then I'm rearing to go. Around 35 minutes in, however, I felt like I was going to hurl; to confirm my RPE wasn't a wussy manifestation I checked my heart rate.


What? I checked again.


Apparently it takes more than 10 days to get over a marathon (keep in mind I heard this on the heart rumor mill so it could be a lie). That didn't bode well for my evening plans though, because I was going to run 12 miles if it took all night. I ate my gel, got my heart rate in the upper 130s and started my next set of 4 miles. They weren't pretty. 2:15 after I started, however, I'd covered 12.1 miles and was satisfied. Slower than planned, but some days you just have to finish. The only concern I have is my foot-- it's bruised. I think I’m underpronating with my left foot, something I've never done before. It sucks because the outside of my left foot is not too keen on supporting my hefty frame. I'm thinking of actually going to a foot dude and getting the orthodics that have been recommended to me since I was 12. (Cheap much?) Hopefully that fixes my foot and helps my poor knee, my very weakest link.

Speaking of links, I want to buy a new heart rate monitor. A fancy one I can connect to my Mac (except none do... effing jerk fitness people). Does anyone have any experience with itrain or ismarttrain or whatever the heck it's called? I'm afraid to drop the dough on the HRM and the program without someone telling me it works for uploading data.

Other than that, no training drama. I did skip a swim last night, but I felt pretty gross and the Masters team was hogging the whole pool (besides, I schedule 7 days a week because I know I'm gonna wuss out one day). I'm doing my first long ride tomorrow (45 miles... I don't know where or with whom, but I'll figure that out), intervals and single side lifting (a new addition!) tonight, long swim on Sunday assuming I can do 1000s. No promises there. At any rate, life is good and it's nice to be unbelievably stinky when I get home. Funny how I forget how much I really love doing this stuff when I'm in lazy mode. It doesn't make any sense: why else would I do it?


Laurie said...

Nice job sticking it out and finishing the 12.1 miles. Get the orthodics, your knee will feel better.

Oh and thanks for two posts in one day ;)

greyhound said...

You do know it's going to rain tomorrow, right? It's too early in my season to get cold and wet on the bike.

Plus you hurt me last time, you Iron animal.

shelek said...

I never ride in rain. It's just not worth it. And let's not forget that it was you who kicked my rusty butt that fateful day, Mr. 'Hound. I was only along for the ride.

Stupid rain and having to spin for 3 hours this morning... grr...

Lance Notstrong said...

I never say "half mary", it just takes something away from the fact that it's 13.1 freaking miles!!!