Monday, June 21, 2010

Internet friends

Whenever I explain my blogging relationships to my "real life" friends, I get a bit flustered. Internet friends? I have internet friends? I recognize their legitimate benefit in a changing world while being leery of the stigma. And while the connections I've made with my internet friends have been surprisingly meaningful to me, I was taken aback at just how much the loss of one of them could hurt.

Today I found out one such internet friend passed away. While we only met once, it was all I could do after hearing the news to make it home before I started crying. It also took about that long to think, "If this is how you feel, just imagine how awful a loss this is to her family and friends." I suppose we all have to go sometime, but I can't help but feel like a great positive force in the world has left our company.

Wendy was human and therefore imperfect, but she refrained from displaying those imperfections to me. A swimmer and cat lover with a delightful wit and a great capacity for encouragement, she rooted on athletic accomplishments and human indulgences alike. I can't count the times her comments brought me a smile or a bit of comfort. Though I didn't have the pleasure of knowing her well, I will truly miss her, and my thoughts are with her family. Rest well, Wendy.


greyhound said...

Wendy truly was a treasure. It is as if her mission in life was to pick people up and urge them on and make them feel better. I say her mission was accomplished, but way too soon. I miss her.

ShesAlwaysWrite said...

I think you and I met her the same weekend in Madison. It surprised me how hard I took it, and I most definitely cried over her loss.