Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Would you trade it?

Greyhound and I had an interesting ride this Saturday, complete with 5 used tubes and CO2 cartridges and about 3 hours of delay. Despite the challenges of the day it still beat getting rained out of like the rest of Houston was on Sunday. And it beat working. And it beat getting poked in the arm with bits of glass and metal. It also beat getting eaten by a shark, chased by an angry clown, and stepping in dog poop with both shoes. At the end of the day you just have to ask yourself: would you trade it for a cool glass of iced tea and a book? Would you trade it for having to work all dang weekend? Would you trade it for 10 pounds of blubber on your frame and high cholesterol?

Chances are you probably wouldn't. You're gonna have crappy rides and miserable runs (especially in Houston), but in the end it's worth it. And if it's not, life's too short. Find something else to do. You feel me?

P.S. Saturday's melodrama was all but forgiven on Sunday. I got in my interval workout I accidentally napped through on Tuesday and destroyed that mofo in a nice cool sprinkle. After that I met the 'Hound and we tore up the waves for an hour of open water swimming in rain and, well, thunder. Don't worry--it sounded pretty distant. And we both made it out alive, always a nice perk.


greyhound said...

The good news is I'm really snappy at changing tires now.

Well, if not snappy, at least somewhat quicker and wiser than before.

Thanks for hanging in there with me.

The Stretch Doc said...

interesting about the tires.. I rode sunday with some folks and 2 of the riders got 3 flats Each!


the Dread Pirate Rackham said...

Um, no.

At first, I might. But then once I'm out there, no way would I trade it. Especially not being chased by angry clowns after stepping in dog doody.

shelek said...

No, I'm not much of a doper. Unfortunately, I say "dude" and "man" as much as Cheech. Or Chong. Or both. Maybe I was meant to be a pothead? Too late now I guess.