Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Crazy week

Last week was crazy! Why? To begin, I got up to train before work twice. That’s two more times than usual! Also, the apartment complex across the street from our complex burned down. The place had been vacated a few weeks earlier and they were in the process of demolishing the buildings, so no one got hurt. Still, it caused a huge ruckus and put lots of smoke in the air, which of course went straight toward our apartments. We couldn’t use the air conditioning for about a day, but fortunately we didn’t have any smoke damage.

It was eerie driving to the pool the next morning and seeing everything in shambles across the street. Morning walkers were poking their noses through the fence to get a better look at the destruction. Everything was quiet. You know, maybe we all need a little destruction in our lives... it sure gives nice perspective to what’s still intact. Like, for example, my healthy, loving relationship with my boyfriend AND my workout schedule. Sometimes I think I have it all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've never actually seen a burned down building. I imagine it loos a lot like when i forget to take the grilled Cheese off the burner. Damn you physics for being such a bitch.